As a devout Anti-Wokester, I am assuming you won’t accuse me of mansplaining if I point out that your article would be a lot more readable if it had more periods and fewer commas. English, unlike Spanish, does not work well with long sentences. Try to keep each sentence down to two clauses, with an occasional three clauses if necessary. If you’re offended by the fact that I’m assuming English is your second language because of your name, perhaps you have more sympathy for wokeness than you realize. Actually, most native English speakers also write that way until they have taken some writing courses, so it wouldn’t surprise me if English was your first language. I know this because I taught Freshman college courses for years. Consider that comment a free bit of education.
I don’t think you’re conservative, you’re just anti-woke. Don’t let your hatred of wokeness get you tricked into supporting things that aren’t in your best interest, like cutting funding for schools to pay for tax cuts for the rich. Even your support of Capitalism, which I share, is not that conservative. Elizabeth Warren, for example repeatedly says she is “A Capitalist to my bones”.
Do you know the expression “don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater”? The current Wokeness movement has as much baby as bath water in it, and you don’t seem to be able to see the baby in the bathwater. This is understandable as a lot of the bathwater is pretty foul. But we need discriminating wisdom right now to separate what it gets right from what it gets wrong. That’s a process I’m still going through, but this what I came up with so far.