Beyond Abstinence and Abuse

Teed Rockwell
21 min readJan 19, 2022

A Fresh Look at “The Drug Problem” ©1988 by W. Teed Rockwell

I wrote this “Fresh Look” in my early thirties, when my body was requiring me to wrestle with these issues, and it definitely shares the values and concerns of the 80s and 90s. I hope it might still be helpful to anyone trying to figure out their relationship to mind-altering substances.

All Use is Not Abuse

The term “drug abuse” necessarily implies that there is such a thing as drug use which is not abuse. Nevertheless, most of the people who say they are…



Teed Rockwell

I am White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Male Heterosexual cisgendered over-educated able-bodied affluent and thin. Hope to learn from those living on the margins.