CS Lewis kept me in Christianity about a decade longer than I otherwise would’ve stayed. His gentle decency, and his clear and elegant writing style continue to influence my life. i’ve got no problem with him being gay, but I think your case for this is pretty weak.
He had a lot of gay friends because he was not a bigot. You really should have mentioned that he specifically says in surprised by joy that homosexuality and gambling were the only two sins to which he was never tempted. Maybe he was a liar, but that seems unlikely, particularly seeing as all your other evidence is so circumstantial.
like pretty much everyone else in the 50s, he believed that homosexuality was a sin, but unlike most people of the time, he thought it to be a trivial one. What we call homophobia today was just common sense back then. The fact that he could rise above that bigotry, and be so ahead of his time, is a credit to his character, not an indication of his own homosexuality.
If you reread the four loves you’ll see a good description and rebuttal to this whole line of thinking that all deep friendships are “ really homosexual“. Lewis drew a sharp line between friendships and erotic love, and valued both.