don't you ever read the newspapers? Almost every day there is another story of a black person with impeccable social credentials who has been harassed or beaten or killed by police or ordinary citizens, even though they have done nothing wrong. I've also had this confirmed by the experience of middle-class blacks I know personally. They all have stories of these kind of encounters, which vary from arrests to purse-clutchings. These occurences are so common that there are now articles asking an important rhetorical question: why is it that we have to bring this up every time? Why does being poor or having a drug arrest or two make it OK for the police to suddenly become judge, jury and executioner?
Yes we do have the ability to make judgments about people because of their auras. Perhaps your work experience does make it possible for you to make such judgments for both black and white people. But for numerous other Americans, that faculty goes into overload as soon as they encounter a black person, and an emergency signal automatically goes on. That's how racism works, and it's still there.