Einstein said that a study of philosophy was essential to doing physics properly. He spent many years reading the critique of pure reason, and insisted that every other physicist should do the same. He was in fact denied the Nobel prize for many years because the jury thought his work was too philosophical. That is why he was given the prize for his work on Browniain motion, not for his work on relativity. the jurors felt that there was not enough impact on research to justify calling the theory of relativity science.
Philosophers have been reading psychology and other sciences ever since Quine called for the need for “naturalized epistemology”. if you had read Paul Churchland, Dan Dennett, Ruth Millikan, etc., you would know this. the philosophy of quantum physics is itself and entire subdiscipline of philosophy of science. Anyone who has ever thought seriously about these problems has concluded that the science raises far more philosophical problems than it answers. Other branches of philosophy of science include the philosophy of cognitive science, which revolutionized artificial intelligence when philosopher Hubert Dreyfus predicted accurately that classical AI would fail for the reasons that Heidegger and Merleau Ponty said it would. These days almost everyone in AI recognizes the need for taking Heidegger’s theories of cognition into consideration. .