Even if there is evolutionary pressure for older men/younger women relationships, that does not mean that those relationships are biologically hardwired. Evolution enables the survival of memes as well as genes: Social and conceptual patterns that survive and reproduce independently of their biological substrates. When economic and other social pressures change, these memes can and do change with them. Women no longer need to marry older richer men when they have careers of their own. Men do not need to marry younger women if they are not interested in having children. Consequently, in today’s cosmopolitan society, sexual attraction can and does morph itself into almost anything. Check any porn site, and you can find fetishization of almost any kind of body type, age, race, skin color, or what have you. Bears, Goths, MILFs and DILFs have as many admirers as Lolitas. Our ancestors may have had good reasons for being attracted to certain kinds of relationships, but that doesn’t stop us from developing attractions of our own.