This is what I meant by Anglo-Saxon culture creating the seeds for the destruction of whiteness:
For most of world history, common sense assumed that the world was naturally hierarchically structured. God had dominion over a king, who had dominion over his male vassals, who ruled over their families, serfs, and slaves. This was explicitly stated by Aristotle and Aquinas in the West, by the code of Manu in India, and by the Emperor’s mandate of heaven in China. If societies are seen this way, slavery needs no moral justification. Certain people are on the bottom, and other people are on the top, because that’s the way God wanted it.
In the 17th and 18th century in England, philosophers like John Locke came up with a radically different description of social structure. They saw society as a social contract voluntarily entered into by free individuals, who had the right to change that contract if it wasn’t working out. The United States was the first country explicitly founded on that principle, which was eloquently expressed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence.
The fact that Jefferson and numerous other signers of that document owned slaves created a tension that bedeviled the American experiment from the beginning. The slaves obviously had not voluntarily entered into their social contract, so how could slavery be justified in a society founded on the principles expressed in the declaration of independence? The only available strategy was to claim that slaves were somehow less than human. That was somewhat easier to do if there were superficial differences between the enslavers and the enslaved, such as skin color. That’s why slavery in America and Europe, unlike slavery in Greece and Rome, had to be based on racism. But this argument collapses if you actually get a chance to really know a significant number of Black people.