If a movie has an all white cast, that makes a very specific political statement. if it has only a few BIPOC characters who are played as comic types, that makes an even more specific political statement. if the female characters do nothing but scream while being rescued by male characters, that makes a specific political statement. You’re not really objecting to politics in new movies. You’re just objecting to the fact that the political statements being made now are ones you don’t agree with.
I don’t object to the fact that a lot of those old movies make political statements I don’t like. Lord of the Rings really does use certain racist tropes. Did you notice that all of the good guys are fair skinned, and all of the people who are fighting for Sauron have dark skin, curly hair, and ride on elephants (AKA Oliphaunts)? nevertheless, I can acknowledge this and still love and respect both the movies and the books. I suggest you do the same for these new retellings of these old stories which add perspectives from marginalized people. they’ve had to deal with being misrepresented for ages. It wouldn’t hurt you to suck it up a bit while they finally get represented. that’s the kind of entertainment they want right now, and they’re finally a big enough market that they are going to get it.