If you want to function as the voice of “logic and reason”, you shouldn’t use a slippery slope argument like this one. The fact that the images of those signs and the water fountains “rhyme” doesn’t mean there is any reason connecting them. The difference between the two situations is vast, but the most obvious one as is that attendance at those sessions was voluntary, as many of your commentators have pointed out.
There’s also the fact that these sessions are designed to decrease racism, not reinforce it. As you pointed out, DIE training sessions need a lot of improvement, and the only way you are going to get improvement is by getting feedback from those who participate in it. It’s very unlikely that you’re going to get completely honest feedback about these sessions if they are racially integrated. The white participants especially will be very insecure about saying things that might offend the black ones, now that they have learned something new about what is offensive and what isn’t. Each racial group is much more likely to give more detailed and honest feedback if they don’t have to worry about the feelings of the other racial group.
It would also help if you didn’t use a straw man argument by making generalizations about thousands of Woke Folk who disagree with each other about numerous things. This is especially true when some of those generalizations are obviously false, such as “Woke Folk aren’t famous for their understanding of history.” One unambiguous good accomplished by wokeness is the rediscovery of facts about slavery and Jim Crow that were whitewashed out of public school history books by the daughters of the confederacy. No one who has actually read Ta-Nehisi Coates or Ibrahim Kendi, for example, would say they were ignorant of history. I don’t agree with many of their inferences from the historical facts they discuss, but their knowledge of the history is impeccable.
You need to help reshape the debate if you are really interested in increasing clarity on this topic, rather than just getting your ya-yas out by “disemboweling wokeness with a hungry carnivore’s ferocity.” Right now, these debates are usually between those who want to throw out the baby, and those who want keep every single drop of the bathwater. All you have done in this article is embrace the first polarity. You might look at your commentators as examples to follow on this. I have received plenty of nasty abusive comments made by online self-appointed wokerati about white guys in general, and myself in particular. But you’ve got nothing to complain about in this exchange. They were a lot nicer, and a lot more rational, than you were. I’d advise you to read what they said, and think about it.