The connections you describe are quite compelling, and I’m sure that essentially all of your factual claims are true. But Nazism was such a muddle of contradictory concepts that it’s very easy to find it wherever you look. Anyone can prove that their enemy is really Hitler by cherry-picking the concepts that fit their enemy and ignoring the concepts that fit themselves. More on this here.
For example, we could write an equally compelling case by pointing out that India had a white supremacist caste system way before American slavery. That’s where Hitler got the idea of referring to blond-haired blue-eyed people as Aryans, even though the actual Aryans were Indians, not Germans. It’s also why Bal Thackery proudly referred to himself as the Indian Hitler, Why Bollywood stars are always fair-skinned, and why Light-skinned Brahmans will still throw acid at dark-skinned dalits who dare to swim in public pools.