One of the reasons I spend time replying to Comrade Morlock is that I think he has a different agenda from most people who collect these kinds of statistics. Most of these people are devout capitalists, and Morlock is a socialist. They want to prove that black people really didn't have it any worse than anyone else, so therefore their condition is their fault, and they should not ask for reparations, affirmative action etc. I think what Morlock is doing is trying to get people to recognize that all poor people are being equally mistreated by their common enemy the rich capitalists, and so we should ask for more opportunities and support for all poor people, not just black people. I think this is a lousy strategy which clearly doesn't work. I've tried to talk him into acknowledging more frequently and in greater detail that racism is a real problem, because that is the only way he is going to get the kind of solidarity he wants. Sometimes he listens to me.