Thanks for taking the trouble to read this, I know it's a slog. This is the only paper I've written on this topic for professional philosophers, and I presented it at the last meeting of the Pacific division of the American Philosophical Association earlier this month. So it's pretty heavy on the technical language.
I agree with the standard response to this objection: the point of the principle of Intersectionality is that marginalization and privilege are multi dimensional, and anyone can be privileged along certain dimensions and marginalized along others. There are plenty of white people who have less privilege than some black people. The only point made about white privilege is that all other things being equal, a white person has more privilege than a black person. Paris Hilton would not have had her right to buy a $3K handbag questioned, the way Oprah Winfrey was in a Swiss store. And a homeless and equally poor Black person is worse off than a poor homeless white person.
Questions of software design are examples of the factual issues I discuss at the end of the paper. I am claiming that there is no privileged access for underprivileged people when making decisions on factual issues. I know that a lot of people don't recognize that. That's one of the reasons I wrote the paper.
And you're right, songs are one very effective way of communicating the stories that shape our experiences.