HINT: This will be easy. (The seminal case in this matter was McFall v. Shimp [1978]). In that case, a man refused to give bone marrow to his dying cousin, a viable human. And cousin would DIE without the marrow. A Pennsylvania court ruled that Mr. Shimp did not have to part with his bone marrow, even though his cousin’s life hung in the balance. And bone marrow regenerates!!! This was a temporary inconvenience — much like pregnancy is a temporary inconvenience — to SAVE A VIABLE HUMAN LIFE. The court said that [forcing a person to donate bone marrow] “would defeat the sanctity of the individual and would impose a rule which would know no limits, and one could not imagine where the line would be drawn.” So his viable cousin died. Now, you can call Mr. Shimp a selfish bastard if you like, but you can’t make him give up his body parts — even when it’s temporary — to save a life.