Trump’s Storm Troopers

They are here, and they are his most powerful asset

Teed Rockwell


“Porgie: What are you going to do when you get out of school, Mudhead?
Mudhead: I guess I’ll find a bunch of guys who dress alike and follow them around” —
Firesign Theater “Don’t crush that Dwarf, hand me the pliers”

Mudhead’s aspiration is almost universally felt by boys trying to turn themselves into men. He could be talking about a street gang, the priesthood, a football team, a rock band, the Military, The Ku Klux Klan, or going to work for IBM. When…



Teed Rockwell

I am White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Male Heterosexual cisgendered over-educated able-bodied affluent and thin. Hope to learn from those living on the margins.